布里斯班^^^^^ 为何要租此房 ^^^^^
本帖最后由 investment 于 2016-6-21 19:48 编辑穷爸爸富爸爸的作者Robert Kiyosaki在他的书里曾经这样写过,不论我们从事什么职业,现在挣多挣少并不那么重要,重要的是当我们双手停止工作以后仍然可以有多少的收入。这是为什么当今所有富有之人都在努力建立自己的被动收入。作为绝大部分新一代移民,房产投资所带来的租金回报是比较稳定,风险相对最低, 回报比较高的被动收入。那么为什么我们还要租房子帮房东养房呢? 请参考下面的数据,如果我们有20%的首付(楼花可以10%),五十万以内的house, 每周的租金是完全可以抵消银行贷款利息,而且每周会有差不多100澳币的净收入。除此之外,还有每年房子的升值。 首套自住置业者,还有政府免印花税和2万澳币的补助。 如果你感兴趣了解,请联系我 0433135021微信: junyi198218
房价 80%的银行贷款银行利率每周银行利息每周租金回报每周净收入增值新房政府补助*
$400,000$320,0004.50%$277 $380 $103 除了省下租金,还有每年稳定的房价增值免印花税 和两万澳币的政府补助
$450,000$360,0004.50%$312 $420 $108
$500,000$400,0004.50%$346 $450 $104
的确很诱人啊 Did you know that if you Can Afford to Rent, you Can Afford to Buy your own property? When you can afford to pay rent $250/week, you are actually able to own a brand new 4 bedroom house.It is your option to live in one room, and rent out the other rooms for extra cash flow. Right now the Australian Government is giving first home buyers $20,000!! towards your new home and they are waiving the stamp duty which is a saving of up to $16,000! It is the time to get into the property market while the interest rates are low and the incentives are on the table.In many cases owning a home can be cheaper than renting. Would you love to be in your own home instead of some else's, paying off your won mortgage and not theirs? Did you know that if you Can Afford to Rent, you Can Afford to Buy your own property?
When you can afford to pay rent $250/week, you are actually able to own a brand new 4 bedroom house.It is your option to live in one room, and rent out the other rooms for extra cash flow.
Right now the Australian Government is giving first home buyers $20,000!! towards your new home and they are waiving the stamp duty which is a saving of up to $16,000! It is the time to get into the property market while the interest rates are low and the incentives are on the table.
In many cases owning a home can be cheaper than renting. Would you love to be in your own home instead of some else's, paying off your won mortgage and not theirs?