<p><center><img src='http://www.wesydney.com.au/data/attachment/portal/201405/29/145727dclg86likgkkieg1.jpg.thumb.jpg' /></center></p><p></p><p><strong></strong></p><p><strong> 材料:</strong></p><p></p><p> 鳕鱼条2条(或者龙利鱼),鸡蛋2个,啤酒250ml,盐,面粉,自发粉,油,土豆(懒得可以超市买冻薯条),苹果醋/盐/番茄酱/芥末酱</p><p class="p2"></p><p><strong></strong></p><p><strong> 做法:</strong></p><p></p><p> 1 土豆洗干净去皮,切成条状,加水煮熟后沥干,然后把煮好的土豆放进冰箱冻硬</p><p></p><p> 2 鱼可以按喜好用整条,或者切成块</p><p></p><p> 3 把面粉和自发粉混合,放入适量的盐;蛋黄和蛋白分开;在混合好的粉中挖个小坑,放进去一个蛋黄,然后加250ml啤酒和少量的油、水,然后打成奶油面糊,放30分钟</p><p></p><p> 4 两个鸡蛋的蛋白打至起泡(有打蛋器的最好用打蛋器,不然打到手软的会。。。),然后加入糊中</p><p></p><p> 5 油倒入锅中,加热大致到180°,拿筷子放进锅里如果筷子旁边冒小泡泡就差不多了</p><p></p><p> 6 把鱼放进糊中裹上一层,放入油锅,3-4分钟后鱼自己会浮上来,翻身再这样3-4分钟,金黄色就可出锅. 出锅后放在厨房纸上吸下油,没有厨房纸的可以用面包。</p><p></p><p> 7 冻硬的薯条取出开炸~ 金黄色就可取出,不要时间太久</p><p></p><p></p><p> 8 成啦~ 摆盘~ 喜欢番茄酱的配番茄酱,喜欢芥末酱的配芥末酱,传统的就用苹果醋和柠檬~~ </p><p class="p2"></p><p class="p2"></p><p></p><p> 国菜!成啦~!</p> 哈哈英国国菜已走入千家万户 有鱼,没薯条怎么行{:5_133:}Step 1
Peel potatoes. Cut into long chips about 1.5cm thick. Use a clean tea towel or large piece of paper towel to pat potatoes dry.
Step 2
Pour vegetable oil into a large saucepan, wok or deep-fryer until it is half-full. Heat over medium-high heat until a small piece of potato skin sizzles when dropped into oil.
Step 3
Place a wire rack over a large oven tray lined with paper towels. Divide chips into 3 batches. Cook chips, 1 batch at a time, for 5 minutes or until they just start to colour. Use a slotted spoon to remove to rack. Repeat with remaining 2 batches, allowing oil to reheat in between batches. Preheat oven to 180°C.
Step 4
When all chips have been cooked, allow them to cool for 10 minutes. Reheat oil. Cook chips in batches again, for 7 to 10 minutes each batch or until crisp and golden. Keep warm on rack in oven while cooking remaining chips. Season with salt. Serve immediately. 鏈変簺娌$湅鎳 {:6_152:} {:5_135:} {:6_174:} {:6_144:} {:5_128:} {:7_184:}