Thejobfactory 发表于 2019-4-14 09:33:02

Getting a job is just as easy as getting an internship, so we do not recommend that you try to get an internship. However, if you want an internship, we can definitely help.

Thejobfactory 发表于 2019-4-15 09:18:02

[email protected]

Thejobfactory 发表于 2019-4-15 12:55:27

We will be emailing hundreds (or even thousands) of companies and we only need to find one that has a vacancy to give you a great chance of getting a job.

Thejobfactory 发表于 2019-4-16 08:54:22

Cheap resumes and cover letters by the best writers. Our resumes get people jobs

Thejobfactory 发表于 2019-4-17 08:30:06

accounting, engineering, IT, nursing, administration and aged care jobs

Thejobfactory 发表于 2019-4-18 09:11:53

If you don’t have a great cover letter and good resume you are hurting your chance of getting a job. Employers often delete badly-written applications.

Thejobfactory 发表于 2019-4-22 07:25:36

Just delete the companies that are too far away from your home and we will send your resume to these companies to ask if they have any jobs.

Thejobfactory 发表于 2019-4-23 13:34:03


Thejobfactory 发表于 2019-4-24 09:38:31

Just delete the companies that are too far away from your home and we will send your resume to these companies to ask if they have any jobs. We will be emailing hundreds (or even thousands) of companies and we only need to find one that has a vacancy to give you a great chance of getting a job.

Thejobfactory 发表于 2019-4-24 14:54:55

We are the opposite of traditional recruitment companies. We care about our clients and work to maximise your chance of getting work fast. Our clients are often the only people interviewed for jobs. You do not have to compete with hundreds of other job seekers any more. We will help you find a job before anyone else even knows it exists.
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查看完整版本: We can help you find a job fast