appirio2017 发表于 2017-4-30 11:48:56

全新 投影機 HP Projector AX325AA

本帖最后由 appirio2017 于 2017-4-30 12:04 编辑

專為狹小空間使用而精心設計,HP 筆記型電腦投影配件 (HP Notebook Projection Companion) 最適合高行動力使用者。 這款攜帶方便的配件適合搭配 HP 商用與消費筆記型電腦,以及其他含 VGA 連線能力的筆記型電腦使用,不僅威力強大而且絕對耐用,行動中也可為您提供投影功能,或是搖身一變成為備份設備。

HP Compact portable DLP Projector AX325AA

Stylish and compact, suitable for launching full screen presentations in commercial applications. This HP projector, which is ideal for small set-ups with a group of people, delivers images at the resolution of 858x600 pixels. This HP projector utilizes LED illumination to deliver images and texts with crystal-clear clarity. As the contrast ratio of the HP AX325AA is 800:1, it ensures more detailed information of the images and texts in the presentations. And the 100 ANSI lumens of this DLP projector offer an optimal viewing experience with stunning brightness.




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