Receptionist/Coordinator 害虫防治工作安排协调员
Receptionist/Coordinator 害虫防治工作安排协调员Eco-Global Termite Doctor Pty Ltd is one of the fastest growing pest management firms in Australia and Eco-Global Training Centre will be a unique training organisation in the pest management industry.
We are seeking a Receptionist/Coordinator to have an intermediate start. The candidate must meet the following criteria:
[*]Honest - Eco-Global Motto: Honesty is paramount & above all rules
[*]Good language skills (speaking & writing) both in English & Chinese
[*]Chinese language skills are essential as we have a big Chinese-Speaking customer base
[*]Motivated to arrange termite/pest control jobs for pest management technicians (mainly local Aussies) based in Greater Brisbane areas (Ipswich, Logan & Redland Bay) & GoldCoast
[*]Friendly attitude to receive and make phone calls to respond customer inquires during normal working hours and some after-work hours including weekends
[*]New graduates from University or TAFE with any major are encouraged to apply and experience as a receptionist is an advantage
[*]QLD driving license and own transport
The successful candidate will start as a part-time employee with 3 days paid work and 2 days non-paid training program with existing Receptionist/Coordinator for the first month. After one month of training program the successful candidate will be paid based on 5-day office working hours and commission of company job value plus superannuation.The position is a full-time job in the second month, followed by three month probation period, based on performance and growth of company business.
The majority of exsiting employees of Eco-Global Termite Doctor Pty Ltd are local Australians and we have a multi-cultural friendly environment. Backed by a selection panel the General Manager Enzo Pilotti will be in charge of selection process and the Company Director, Dr Deling Ma, will not get involved in any step of the selection. Salary package can be discussed at interview. Please send your CV to [email protected] may want to know more about Eco-Global Termite Doctor please visit our website
你是人生的追梦者吗?你想加入一个有梦想的团队吗? 你想成为探索神奇昆虫世界团队的一员吗?你想让房屋受白蚁蚕食而愁眉不展的人们笑逐颜开吗?你想体验一个多民族工作环境的特殊行业吗?你想见证害虫治理行业“百年老店”的发展历程吗?作为澳洲发展最快的害虫治理公司之一,要实现百年老店的梦想,澳洲白蚁害虫博士公司正期待你的加入。
选人程序:(1)有意者请将英文简历(不接受中文简历)发到[email protected];(2)公司根据申请者的经历,筛选简历,通知入围者面试;(3)对3-5 位合适人选面试 - 2/3 英语,1/3 中文;(4)选择1名,第一月需和目前还在岗位的工作安排协调员培训两天(无薪),个人独立工作3天(带薪),第二个月全职独立工作。实习期3个月后根据工作能力和业绩表现决定是否转正。
澳洲利球白蚁害虫博士公司管理模式为总经理负责制,人员筛选过程参考最近两年的新职工选拔模式。招聘小组由总经理Enzo Pilotti任组长,成员有Gary Cochrane(技术经理)和 Nathan Wei 负责,对所有申请人材料保密。马博士不参与人员筛选。