墨尔本权威留学移民咨询机构 CECA
本帖最后由 diligent 于 2017-7-6 09:30 编辑墨尔本权威留学移民咨询机构 CECA (Melbourne professional education and migration agency CECA)
在七月收生日期申請入学 可獲免PTE/ IELTS考試費
我們有超過10年经验的顾问对留学和移民提供专业意见咨询 (expert advice on education and migration related queries by our expert consultants)
留学服务( Education services )· 办理入读 大学/学院/ TAFE 手续 (admission in university colleges or TAFE)· 为您贴心选择合适的学校及课程 (guidance for selecting right course and right institution)· 指导学分转移(guidance on credit transfer)· 办理入读专业年课程-会计、电脑与科技和工程学 (admission in professional year programme-accounting, IT and engineering)· GTE凖备指导 (Guidance on preparing GTE)
移民服务 (Migrating services)· 雇主赞助签证 (employer sponsorship visa)· 移民意向表述 EOI (Expression Of Interest) / 技职人才筛选系统 (Skill select)· 技术评估 (skill assessment)· 189 独立技术移民签证 (Skill independent visa)· 配偶或家庭移民 (partner or family migration)· 处理覆审移民决定个案 (AAT) (Administrative Appeal Tribunal)
认证与隶属机构 (Accreditation and Affiliation)
请致电: 03 9663 1318 / 0450 334 799 (中文)(call us on phone)或
亲临办公室: Suite 703, Level 7, 227 Collins Street, 3000 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia