本帖最后由 wx_92319 于 2017-7-27 11:22 编辑未来十年内,会计行业的人才结构将发生巨大的转变。中低级财务会计人员将被机器人和自动系统取代,初步预计有60%的普通财务会计将被迫面临失业或转行。为企业“创造价值”的FP&A管理会计将成为主流,管理会计为企业管理者提供有效经营和最优化决策的各种财务与管理信息,为强化经营管理、提高经济效益服务,属于“老板会计”。同时管理会计平均收入已经达到100k+远高于同级别Financial Accountant的薪酬。AccountingPro培训中心为大家设计了最有针对性和高效的Management Accountant课程,帮助您拿到dream offer。
Budget and Forecast Process
[*]How to align company overall strategy with budget target
[*]How to establish a budget control framework
[*]How to design a comprehensive budget/forecast model
[*]How to collate budget/forecast inputs
[*]How to provide 12 month rolling forecast and engage with business partner
[*]How to present a budget and forecast to senior management team
Management Reporting
[*]How to provide monthly sales and operational reports
[*]How to perform variance analysis
[*]How to keep track of project performance
[*]How to provide business partnering support to key operational stakeholders
[*]How to drive business performance through the reporting process
Operational Perfomance Evaluation
[*]How to use high level KPIs to measure the overall performance of the enterprise
[*]How to use KPIs to measure how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives
[*]How to calculate and present the commonly used KPIs in workplace situation
[*]How to link KPIs with financial performance of a company
Business Case For Capital Expenditure
[*]Difference between CAPEX vs. OPEX
[*]Methods for evaluating the capital expenditure decisions
[*]How to build and present a business case for CAPEX
[*]CAPEX forecast and budget
[*]CAPEX related asset additions, disposals and revaluation
[*]Project performance and closure
Pricing Analysis
[*]Preparation and data manipulation tasks that enable modelling, analysis, monitoring and reporting components of the pricing process
[*]Development and/or understanding of predictive statistical models such as technical cost, premium emulation, competitor price.
[*]Delivery of pricing analysis as part of the usual portfolio review processes and make pricing recommendations.
Interview Training
1. 超强团队:我们的团队成员来自四大会计事务所和世界五百强的资深会计师,有丰富的咨询和辅导经验。 2. 注重课程实用性:所有的课程内容都是根据真实的行业案例和Best Practice而制定,有很强的实用性。 3. 实习机会:我们和很多本地企业都有合作,会定期输送优秀的学员去实习工作。 4. 全方位服务:我们提供最有针对性的服务,课程人数严格限定在15人一下,老师会根据每个学生的背景和优势制定最佳职业计划。
开课时间:2017年8月6日 星期日地点:118 Queens St, Melbourne主讲人:Xin Wang 五百强企业 Senior Finance Business Partner
价格:$800 (25小时课程 + 简历修改 + 真实面试培训)
联系方式:微信:AccountingproEmail: [email protected]: www.accountingpro.com.au