From 19 April 2014, a credit card surcharge will apply to transactions made using Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB and Diners credit cards. The following rates will apply:<br /><br /> Visa and Mastercard - 1.08%<br /> American Express and JCB - 1.99%<br /> Diners Club International - 2.91%<br />---------------<br />真是贵啊!看来以后大家还是用bank cheque划算些。 看到了,他妈的孙子了 bank cheque和money order一般怎么收费啊? 开一张Bank Cheque5块钱还是10块钱,总之可以忽律不计的钱 请问下,那申请表上的金额怎么填写啊?VISA的话,自己算吗?实际金额*1.8?? 真是越来越黑啊。。。 申请费年年涨还不满足!天杀的移民局!!