<br /><br />历经千辛万苦,延了两次28天的extension,今天终于收到移民局第二笔缴费的通知了,不过从4月19日开始,使用信用卡缴费需要收取手续费,真是欲哭无泪啊...就差那么几天!!!!!!<br />现在还在研究到底用信用卡缴费值不值得......<br /><br />如果用V/M - 1.08% x 42220 = 455.98<br /> AE - 1.99% x 42220 = 802.18<br /><br />Please note:<br />From 19 April 2014, a credit card surcharge will apply to transactions made using Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB and Diners credit cards. The following rates will apply:<br />Visa and Mastercard - 1.08%American Express and JCB - 1.99%Diners Club International - 2.91%<br /> 真黑啊。。。刚刚办了卡。。哭~~ 真无耻啊,不让那些领救济的人工作,净从我们身上剥削 我靠,没错!我看我认识的领救济的,一天到晚外面玩,NND,我这种勤劳工作的,每天还在计算交多少税....不公啊 请问楼主,可否通过CHECK来支付第二笔款项呢?另外还想咨询楼主几个问题,我正在DIY父母的143申请,整理过程中有几个疑问想咨询下,谢谢啊
if you are applying for a visa that can only be granted to a person outside Australia: What is the value of money, goods and assets which you (and your partner) intend to bring to Australia?
Local currency:
Australia dollar equivalent:
(71)看了移民局官网,说目前付费增加了credit card surcharge,但是官网又写You can pay by credit card, bank cheque or money order made payable to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection,看来还是操作bank cheque最便宜,但是官网也没写清楚具体是寄check到哪里?大家知道吗?有人通过CHECK来递交申请的吗?
From 19 April 2014, a credit card surcharge will apply to transactions made using Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB and Diners credit cards. The following rates will apply:
Visa and Mastercard - 1.08%
American Express and JCB - 1.99%
Diners Club International - 2.91% 在47PA表格有一条:
if you are applying for a visa that can only be granted to a person outside Australia: What is the value of money, goods and assets which you (and your partner) intend to bring to Australia?
Local currency:
Australia dollar equivalent:
如果没有任何证明的话你就填一个吧 不过注意要保留好 并且所有表格的生日要一直就好了
(71)看了移民局官网,说目前付费增加了credit card surcharge,但是官网又写You can pay by credit card, bank cheque or money order made payable to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection,看来还是操作bank cheque最便宜,但是官网也没写清楚具体是寄check到哪里?大家知道吗?有人通过CHECK来递交申请的吗?
“made payable to the ‘Department of Immigration and Border Protection’.”然后寄回去immi的地址,来的时候有注明的,其实就是你寄application的地址,一样的 直接email co 跟他说 28天搞不定 他会给多28天的 正解! 如果你办了Westpac黑卡 还是有点赚的 我没被收,我是4月16号交的表,但是因为银行的原因没成功,拖到24号扣款