yjsai123 发表于 2014-8-3 09:08:30


<br /><br />去年3月递的配偶签证,本以为有孩子会被优先审理,结果这个月才收到签证官要补材料的信。<br />因为有两个朋友比我们晚递,也没孩子,一个月就下来了,上个月实在耐不住性子就打电话去移民局问,接电话的人问我们做体检没,我说因为体检是一年有效期,担心先做了然后万一过期了还要重新做,所以打算分到签证官后再去做,接电话的人听了就说:你们是自己把自己耽误了,现在赶紧去做体检吧。于是我写信去要hap Id,当天晚上收到就定体检了,说来也巧,没几天签证官就联系我们了。于是,把信息告诉和我们情况差不多的朋友,让她也打电话问问是不是要先体检,结果她说接电话的告诉她只有材料齐全的申请才会被分到签证官。问了问之前一个月下签证的朋友,被告知当时递申请时就体检了。<br />所以,貌似现在确实是递交是就做体检会早点分到签证官!<br />不过,如果做了体检,材料也齐全的同学一年+都没有分到签证官,就需要另花银子做体检和无犯罪记录,所以各位自己斟酌咯~<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />觉得有用的同学,求加分换鞋!<center><img style='max-width:90%;' src='data/attachment/forum/caiji/14385770521.jpg' /></center> <br /><br />P.S.刚刚820下来了,不过我们在一起已经2年多了(之前提供证据了),孩子也有了,为啥不是直接下PR呢?我补材料的时候还提了下。是签字官没注意还是怎样嘞?要不要写信去问下?

つ、淡定 发表于 2014-8-3 18:46:01

我兩個月前提交了配偶TR visa 820

seo5201 发表于 2014-8-3 22:32:59


animarui 发表于 2014-8-4 00:22:08

I lodged my application in Feb last year....got my TR in Oct.....did my health check in June? couldn't remember.....
I felt better to do the health check as soon as possible....don't need to wait until you get a case officer!~~

honghong252 发表于 2014-8-4 04:11:20


b7823282 发表于 2014-8-4 08:38:36


info444 发表于 2014-8-4 08:59:49


460082723 发表于 2014-8-4 19:25:23

想问一下 大家的体检是online booking的嘛? 在还没CO的情况下 大家booking的时候那个immigration id都怎么填的啊? 谢谢了

dsffg 发表于 2014-8-5 03:55:38

好像现在都要hap Id.需要写信到发你ack letter的邮箱request.

菳铭穻 发表于 2014-8-5 08:09:54

Re: Application for a temporary visa for Partner Migration (Class UK, Subclass 820)

This is an automatically generated message. If you have been contacted by a case officer or your Temporary Partner application has been finalised, please disregard this message.

We refer to your application for Temporary Partner Migration, lodged on 05-Apr-2013. Your application for the Temporary Partner visa will be allocated to a case officer when we have received all of the outstanding documents and undergo further assessment within the coming months.

If you have not submitted all your police clearances or have not completed your permanent residence health assessment, refer to the information below on obtaining these documents. By providing these documents and completing these requirements, you will assist in a prompt assessment of your application.

Please note that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of documents. If you wish to keep a record of the delivery of the documents you should use registered post.

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查看完整版本: 820/801配偶签证提交时就做体检可以加速分到签证官?!y