有经验的同学们,centrelink要出示税单,到底需要一张还是两张呢?有没有懂的? 我给了上个财政年度的税单,还有最近2次的工资单 我就是在纠结,到底是交两张还是一张呢,有人告诉我交两张,有人告诉我交一张!同学你的下来后告诉我一声行不?可能到时需要咨询您一下,先谢了 你在提交AOS申请表的时候,申请表只要求去年税单和最近2次工资单。我的aos已经通过了啊 Safe to say, it's better to bring 2. But my friend only used 1. When did you submit the application of 143? Did you call Centrelink to get AOS done? 哦,谢了,我前年的不够,去年的可以,因为担保俩人,税单有点困难啊,要是两年我得找朋友帮忙了,一年我可以自己办,不过我是去年5月份递的! I lodged last April. Decided to go to Centrelink next Friday to get the AOS done without appointment. Wish me luck and all the best to you. :-) 一张 祝好运!