<br /><br />我做担保人给老公申请820,材料清单里有一条说如果担保人过去做过Assurance of Support的话提供一份statement<br /><br />If applicable a statement from your sponsor regarding:<br />1. any other person they have previously sponsored or nominated for a Partner, Spouse, Prospective Marriage or Interdependency visa.<br />2. any other person for whom your sponsor has signed a maintenance order and/or an Assurance of Support.<br />以前我给父母移民做过Assurance of Support的,几年前就到期了(2年期限),这样的话我要写这个statement吗,如果要写的话,它又要求写"when, why and how the relationship ceased"(见下),这个父母和子女的relationship肯定不会结束的么,这该怎么定义呢<br /><br />This statement must:<br />1 indicate your sponsor’s relationship with this other person or persons<br />2 when, why and how the relationship ceased<br />3 specify the dates of lodgement of any sponsorship or nominations , maintenance guarantees or Assurances of Support.<br /><br /><br />还是说这个statement不是非写不可的,我可以不用写?求教,先谢谢了!<br /> 自己顶。没有大侠知道吗?