一起看看吧 发表于 2014-8-2 07:06:56

103类木签证现在移民局刚处理到13年四月提交的申请,5月份提交的还要等等才有queue 号码了

Processing times for Non Contributory Parent visas<br /><br />The current processing time for a subclass 103 application to achieve a queue date is approximately 12 months.&nbsp;&nbsp;Please bear this in mind when applying for any long-term visitor visas that require a queue date.<br /><br />The current processing time for a subclass 804 application to achieve a queue date is approximately 12 months.&nbsp;&nbsp;We are currently assessing for queue applications lodged in July 2012. Please bear this in mind when applying for any long-term visitor visas that require a queue date.<br /><br />Please note that the Parent Queue Calculator is now working again. <br /><br />For your information, we are currently assessing for finalisation subclass 103 parent visa applications with a queue date from March 2008 and subclass 804 applications with a queue date from March 2008.

新……起点 发表于 2014-8-2 08:03:00


z199298 发表于 2014-8-2 16:27:50

他们指的是4月份递交的,还是4月份拿到file number呢?我是3月份就寄出了,但是5月底才拿到file number,现在也没有任何消息。我2月份写信问他们时,他们就说审到去年4月份的。怎么现在还是4月份呀。

chinadress123 发表于 2014-8-3 02:17:43

我也不懂,我觉得应该是以lodge date计算吧。 我也是5月份才拿到file number. 再等等吧。

金卯刀博客 发表于 2014-8-3 11:15:38


aifusengh 发表于 2014-8-3 22:42:10

之前有个收到QD的说是EMAIL, 但是最好还是要改一下吧,如果地址改了。

liushuich 发表于 2014-8-4 01:35:36


GXO鸠山川秀 发表于 2014-8-4 12:47:47

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查看完整版本: 103类木签证现在移民局刚处理到13年四月提交的申请,5月份提交的还要等等才有queue 号码了