103签证 bank cheque问题,紧急求助
如题,由于本人没有信用卡,刚才去银行开bank cheque时被问到这个问题。Payee究竟应该是 the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, 还是Department of Immigration and Citizenship?<br /><br />银行柜员吓唬我说差一个the,很可能支票作废。。。请有经验人士指点!<br />其他材料都ready,就等这张cheque了。 Department of Immigration and Border Protection 非常感谢!!!可是我的47pa表指定的好像是 Department of Immigration and Citizenship. 指定的用哪个就用哪个吧。但肯定是没有the的。 刚去移民局网站确认了,47pa表上写的是Method of payment
In Australia
To make a payment, please pay by credit card, debit card, bank
cheque or money order made payable to the Department of
Immigration and Border Protection. 说实话,觉得银行人员在bullshit,这个the不应该是问题啦 http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/pdf/47pa.pdf 这个是移民局网站上针对所有application付款的general information
Acceptable payment methods are:
American Express
Diners Club
pre-paid credit cards
EFTPOS/debit card, in person only - available only for on the spot services such as visa evidencing
bank cheque, made payable to Department of Immigration and Border Protection
Australia Post only money order, made payable to Department of Immigration and Border Protection. 你说的对!我刚才查了今天下载的47PA表,果然是你说的payee。
但几个月前下载打印的47PA表,payee 是citizenship那个。可能是改版了,多谢提醒!万幸今天没有付成! 多谢提醒!等我回血。
我手头的打印稿是做草稿用的,填了好几个月了。。。 如果没记错就是三月下载的。赫然是写着付给 Department of Immigration and Citizenship.