三亚瑜伽 发表于 2015-2-4 04:39:53


<br /><br />移民局的官方公告 http://www.immi.gov.au/Live/Page ... -visas-closure.aspx <br />Non-Contributory Parent and Other Family visas are closing to new applications<br /><br />Further to the announcement in the Budget papers, we will close the following visa subclasses in the Family Stream of the Migration Programme to new applications:<br /><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Parent visa <br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Aged Parent visa <br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Aged Dependent Relative visa <br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Remaining Relative visa &nbsp;&nbsp;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Carer visa .<br /><br />The visas will be closed to new applications before the start of the 2014-15 Migration Programme year. The date of cessation will be announced shortly. <br /><br />If you have already applied or apply before the date of cessation of new applications your application will continue to be processed under existing regulations and policy. Note that the Parent and Other Family visas are subject to annual planning levels. In 2014-15, 1500 places have been allocated to Parent and 500 places to Other Family. You can expect to wait up to 13 years for a Parent or Aged Parent visa, four years for a Carer visa and up to 16 years for a Aged Dependent Relative or Remaining Relative visa.<br /><br />Certain eligible dependent family members, such as a partner or dependent children can be added to an existing undecided application. You will need to provide evidence of the relationship, including dependency.<br /><br />肯定在01/07/2014前要停止接受新申请了。<br /><br />已经马不停蹄地在弄资料,做公证了,真是在和时间赛跑啊,真不知道还来不来得及,唉。

取消诅咒 发表于 2015-2-4 05:52:28


╲ふ誮艸嗏℡ 发表于 2015-2-4 10:46:50


plugmy 发表于 2015-2-4 20:58:19


/mg持之以恒 发表于 2015-2-5 00:38:19


sss1354 发表于 2015-2-5 11:50:58


383082654 发表于 2015-2-5 20:52:33


☆☆☆光璀璨 发表于 2015-2-6 07:16:15

那现在还能不能递呀 我父母也是刚去做公证 5天等公证 5天寄过来 这就要耽误两周了 再寄到perth也得两天
不会寄过去了又告诉我们不接收了吧 这个递交成功怎么确认呢 是以他们收到材料还是扣钱为准呢 还有我们是一定要交原件么还是可以交certified copy件呢 十分担心他们把原件搞丢啊

tttcy 发表于 2015-2-6 16:40:07


漪寒 发表于 2015-2-6 20:19:27

说下我最近的经验, 四个工作日,ems到澳洲,收到当天邮寄perth, 第二天一早post显示到已经delivery到perth了,post express,全都是可track的, 现在还在等移民局的接受确认。
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