悲催:2 step-brothers
各位大神,请教一下我们家的情况可不可以申请<br /><br />我现在的家庭成员:生母,继父,我,step-brother (成年人)<br />生父方面:生父,继母,step-brother (未成年)<br /><br />我只想给我生母办移民,她的balance测试可以通过不?<br /><br />大神!!!快快现身吧~~~<center><img style='max-width:90%;' src='data/attachment/forum/caiji/14385785581.jpg' /></center> 这么看来继子女也是算在里面的Close relative In relation to a person, means:
• the partner of the person; or
• a child, parent, brother or sister of the person; or
• a step-child, step-parent, step-brother or step-sister of the person.
The ‘Balance of Family’ (BoF) test* requires that either:
• at least half of your children are eligible children; or
• the number of eligible children is greater than the greatest number of ineligible children who are
usually resident in a particular overseas county
Note: Step-children are only counted if they are:
• a child of the applicant’s current partner; or
• under 18 years of age and a child of a former partner of the applicant, or a former partner of the
applicant’s current partner, and the applicant or the applicant’s partner has a legal responsibility to
look after the child. 那就是可以申请了 可以申请 就是说两个小孩 也可以过平衡测试?