宝姆 发表于 2014-8-24 14:52:26


有几个问题想统一问一下大家<br /><br />1,表格40的part k,do you receive assistance in completing this form,这是问得担保人还是申请人的?我理解的是担保人的<br />2,表格47PA part b,withdrawal of parent visa application,这个填什么,父亲有一年探亲签证,母亲有3年的是要取消这个吗<br />3,表格47PA part G child under18yearsof age和part H,dependent children aged 18 years or over and other dependants,这些都没有,是都可以空着不填吗<br />4,表格47PA,part K health,问过去的12个有没有因为申请澳洲签证做过身体检查,我妈妈8个月前因为申请600的时候做了体检,拿了3年往返的签证,这个是要填上去吗<br />多谢大家

uid9yt5mnq 发表于 2014-8-24 18:00:36

2.空着。你之前没有申请过PARENT VISA

真风林火山 发表于 2014-8-25 01:38:38

你好,想确认一下PART H确实是要空着吗?
楼主本人不算parent的dependent children吗?

k1668092605 发表于 2014-8-25 07:47:10

Your child or stepchild is considered to be dependent if any of the following apply:
&nbsp; &nbsp; they are younger than 18 years of age
&nbsp; &nbsp; they have turned 18 years of age and continue to be wholly or substantially reliant on you for their basic needs (food, clothing and shelter)
&nbsp; &nbsp; they have a mental or physical disability that stops them from earning a living to support themselves (whether or not they migrate with the applicant). The child can be of any age. The child will still need to meet Australia’s health requirement.

你经济上还完全依赖你父母?一般过了18岁,还在读书,衣食住行完全靠父母提供,才能被算为DEPENDANT CHILD。
A child of any age is not considered to be dependent if they are currently married, engaged to be married or in a de facto relationship.
Some visas require that the child has never been married or in a de facto relationship.
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