父母的探亲签证三个月出境一次,上次去了新西兰,这次若不想出境,申请延期签证可行吗?会要求体检吗?我们还有一个月就又要出境了,不知道还来得及吗?谢谢大家! 不行 保险起见还是问个移民代理吧,咨询不要钱 去斐济 我也想了,可是跟团玩儿好贵啊。我们又没法陪父母一起。 谢谢,移民代理赚得就是咨询和信息的钱,不想付费能得到的信息太有限了。我也别麻烦人家去了。 不行。。。否则大家就都不出境了。。。 直接去移民局问 如果是最后一次要出境的那次应该有戏 买张机票,出了关走几步马上就折回来,告诉他们不想坐飞机出去,只是想出关再入关以便签证上留纪念 Have to go abroad.Also I heard someone told me, not sure whether it's true or not (maybe rumor).
Parents AB went to NZ after three months in AU, another country after three months in AU, a third country after another three months in AU.
Then that AB were banned to enter AU.....
Better ask immi to make sure everything is fine.