visa 103 - last try!
Hi Guys!<br /><br />Find a local coriour company print the copiesand deliver for you b4 4pm, offer pay extra!!<br /><br />still 2 hours to go have it last try!<br /><br />Think about mum and dad's efforts, don't really want to get fxxing screwed.<br /><br />My huby is working on this way for me, hope it all works!!<br /><br />all the best! If you can also provide contact details of that courier company as well? huby told me he found from the net, i was working, so it is totally handled by him.but it is the quickest way, he rang tnt, no way could get it today!! number? 可是perth下周一不上班啊,是公众假期。。。所以怎么都寄不到了吧 he will do today, not monday, has to be today!!! 你的意思是你在perth,本地delivery? 英语太差了吧
楼主说找了个佩斯人,传真过去,佩斯人帮助打印,再人肉投递。 LZ意思是,你把材料邮件给courier,他们在perth帮你打印好直接快递给移民局 没仔细看