http://www.immi.gov.au/migrants/family/family-visas-parent.htm<br /><br /><br />On 2 June 2014 the government introduced significant changes to the Other Family visas.<br /><br />We no longer accept new applications for the following visas:<br /><br />Aged Parentvisa <br />Parentvisa .<br />Family members of applicants who lodged their application before 2 June 2014 might be able to be added to the application before a decision is made on their visa. Non-Contributory Parent and Other Family visas have closed to new applicationsFrom 2 June, we have permanently closed the following visa subclasses in the Family Stream of the Migration Programme to new applications:
Parent visa (subclass 103)
Aged Parent visa (subclass 804)
Aged Dependent Relative visa (subclasses 114 and 838)
Remaining Relative visa (subclasses 115 and 835)
Carer visa (subclasses 116 and 836).
The visas will be closed to new applications before the start of the 2014-15 Migration Programme year. 都是Last reviewed Monday 2 June 2014 就是说2.6.14之前的valid 申请,可以加人(配偶或者子女)进去。 2014-15 migrant programme year 具体的起始日期是哪天? 1/07/2014-30/06/2015 The visas will be closed to new applications before the start of the 2014-15 Migration Programme year.
突然发现这话说的太万能了。7月1号之前的任何一天都可以停止,都可以搞突然袭击! 看晕了,那到底截止日期是六月二号还是七月一号?有哪位高人指点一下阿?还想赶末班车递一下申请。。。 too late, 2 June 2014
上周五时已经有过很多激烈讨论了 你要是还没递交,就不用再考虑了