103 签证queuing number
有没有筒子递交了一年的103签证材料,现在还没有收到queuing number?<br />移民局总是自动回复,没有办法查询进展! 真是无语了!<center><img style='max-width:90%;' src='data/attachment/forum/caiji/14385796841.jpg' /></center><center><img style='max-width:90%;' src='data/attachment/forum/caiji/14385796872.jpg' /></center> 还没收到,公婆的是去年递的,只有确认信,没排队号。问一下,有tx普及下一般要多久吗? 偶连确认信都没有收到 同样一年了,还在等。。。 去年六月寄得材料,10月收到的确认信,没有QUEUE DATE 之前收到的确认信说4个月会下Queue Date? 你的确认信上有说吗?我的没有呢 移民局给我的回复这么说:The current processing time for a subclass 103 application to achieve a queue date is approximately 12 months. We are currently assessing for queue applications lodged in May 2013. Please bear this in mind when applying for any long-term visitor visas that require a queue date.
The current processing time for a subclass 804 application to achieve a queue date is approximately 18 months. We are currently assessing for queue applications lodged in November 2012. Please bear this in mind when applying for any long-term visitor visas that require a queue date.
Please note that the Parent Queue Calculator is now working again.
For your information, we are currently assessing for finalisation subclass 103 parent visa applications with a queue date from March 2008 and subclass 804 applications with a queue date from March 2008.
不管怎样,扣了钱总得有个收据吧! 请问你是什么时候问的, 我大概5月中发的EMAIL,回复是申到了13年的4月,现在回复已经5月了,看来还是有点儿进展的. 打电话去问呀。我爸妈2012年十月递交的申请,当月就收到过确认信和收据。之后再没任何通知。今天才打电话去问,工作人员说已经排上队了,13年1月时曾给我发过邮件。不过我从没收到他们发的邮件。