103父母申请目前扣款到5月11号~~~<br /><br />"Perth Parent Processing Centrehas advised the MIA they were inundated with parent visa applications last week as a result of the cessation of this visa.<br /><br />Due to the number of applications received, there will be further delays in receipting these applications. At last report, PPC was receipting applications received around 11 May 2014 . There will be further significant delays in receipting applications received from that date on."<br /><br /> 按照这个消息,还排什么队。按照现在的名额,估计一星期的申请量一年的名额都不够消化。 不错,移民菊终于放屁了 我是5月28号的,希望快点到 这没有写扣到5月11号啊,你在哪里看到的? 请问lz这是哪里的消息呢好像并没有区分103和143 楼主你这是指申请103的申请费扣款情况吗?
我看有好几个,上周5-26号寄的,29号就收到receipt and email (包括我)。 我的20号寄出去的,现在还没扣钱啊。 我也是20号寄出的,还没扣。 我也是20号寄出的,还没扣。