入籍前PR延签 和 入籍考试通过到宣誓前离境
入籍前PR又延签,会对入籍有影响么? 记得看到官网上如果这种情况是要报备移民局,不知道原因。<br /><br />另外,入籍考试通过要等宣誓还得好几个月,如果在此期间想离境回国,中国护照上的PR还有效么?如果离境了,宣誓是否还会被延期?<br /><br />多谢回复。最好有亲身经历。有分加。 没有经历过你提的情况,但可以回答你的第2个问题,因为IMMI网站有写。获得批准后,在宣誓前,可以用中国护照出境,那时PR仍有效。毕竟,你还没拿到公民证,尚未能办理澳洲护照。不过,好像貌似出境要通知移民局。 求助 求助 多谢 多谢 但是 会影响到宣誓延迟么?
比如如果是过桥签证出境,签证审批就会被冻结。 找到第二个问题的答案了
Travelling before your ceremony
You cannot get an Australian passport until you have made the pledge and officially become an Australian citizen.
If you need to travel outside Australia after you have been approved for citizenship but before your ceremony, you must travel on your current passport. This will not affect your ability to attend your ceremony or become an Australian citizen.
Before you depart you must ensure you have a visa that allows you to re-enter Australia for your ceremony. If the travel validity period on you permanent visa has expired, or is about to expire, you will need to apply for a Resident Return Visa.
If you do plan to travel outside Australia before your ceremony, please let us know. Contact the Citizenship Information Line. 这个就不知道了。帮你顶贴,希望有经历的人可以回答你。