<br /><br />2 5年内住满4年,其中一年是PR你出境没有超过连续的3个月,那到现在是够了
网址在移民局网址找找就有了 出境没有超过连续的3个月
这个是什么意思?我去年回去三个月,但是从入境开始到现在大概四年半的时间,只回去过这三个月,算不算超过连续的3个月呢?谢谢 https://www.ecom.immi.gov.au/citz/startIntervalCalc.do
把信息填一下,会自动告诉你能不能申请的 The residence requirement is based on the time you have lived in Australia and the time you have spent outside Australia.
You must:
•have been living in Australia on a valid Australian visa for four years immediately before applying which must include the last 12 months as a permanent resident, and
•not have been absent from Australia for more than one year in total, in the 4 year period, including no more than 90 days in the year before applying.
http://www.citizenship.gov.au/ap ... ferral_app_process/
移民局官网上信息很全,花点时间找找看看,有了依据再咨询讨论,道听途说的很多都不可靠。 学习了 我这英文不是不行么 大致意思就是:
四年内住满三年,最后一年必须是PR,且在申请入籍当年不能离境超过90天。 非常非常感谢 入籍要考试的。。考试的词比移民局上的信息可能还稍微难些