十万火急啊!关于820 PARTNER VISA的,我们收到了移民局的电子邮件,请各位同学帮我们看看!万分感谢!
事情是这样的,我去年10月份帮我女友申请了PARTNER VISA 820. 昨日,移民局来了电子邮件,邮件中有提到FORM 80和澳洲联邦警察的无犯罪证明,还有国内的无犯罪证明,还有体检报告。但是,我们分明记得,我们早在去年通过邮寄,把申请表格都递交出去了,包括FORM 80和澳洲联邦警察的无犯罪记录,BVA下签之后,同时,移民局在邮件里又要求我女友去做体检,所以,随后差不多1个月左右,体检也做完了,而国内的无犯罪证明差不多2个月后也通过邮寄,递交给移民局了。但是昨日的邮件中又有提到这几样东西,所以本人有点疑惑。现在贴出邮件,大家帮我看看。还有,邮件中是否告知我们,我们很快就会有签证官了?<br />各位同学,帮我们看看吧,不胜感激!<br />个人主要信息我已经删去,请见谅!<br /><br /><br />Dear ,<br /><br /><br />File Number:<br />Request ID: <br /><br /><br />Re: Application for a temporary visa for Partner Migration <br /><br />This is an automatically generated message. If you have been contacted by a case officer or your Temporary Partner application has been finalised, please disregard this message.<br /><br />We refer to your application for Temporary Partner Migration, lodged on 07-Oct-2013. Your application for the Temporary Partner visa will be allocated to a case officer when we have received all of the outstanding documents and undergo further assessment within the coming months.<br /><br />If you have not submitted all your police clearances or have not completed your permanent residence health assessment, refer to the information below on obtaining these documents. By providing these documents and completing these requirements, you will assist in a prompt assessment of your application.<br /><br />Please note that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of documents. If you wish to keep a record of the delivery of the documents you should use registered post.<br /><br />FORMS<br />All DIBP forms referred to in this letter can be downloaded from our website at: <br /><br />PERSONAL PARTICULARS FOR CHARACTER ASSESSMENT - FORM 80<br />If you have not already done so, download and complete Form 80 and return it to our office as soon as possible. Pay particular attention to Questions 21 to 26. It is essential thateveryperiod of time is accounted for, with no gaps in the timeline of your residence, employment and education histories. Any gaps in information will delay processing. You may download the Form 80 from our website at: <br /><br />POLICE CLEARANCES<br />An original National Police Clearancefrom the Australian Federal Policeis required in the following circumstances:<br />A NPC from the AFP is required for any visa applicantwho is over 16 years of age and who has resided in Australia cumulatively for twelve months or more. Given that 12 months must have elapsed since the applicant has turned 16, a NPC will only need to be obtained for applicants who are over the age of 17.<br />If you have included a dependant child/childrenas part of this application, the sponsor must also provide a NPC from the AFP.<br /><br />You have two options for submitting your application to the Australian Federal Police:<br />Online:<br /><br />Select Name Check Only in Section 1: Type of check required<br /><br />A downloadable form:<br /><br />Select Name Check Only in Section 1: Type of Check Required<br />Select Code Number 33in Section 8) Purpose of Check<br /><br />Important information to note for all applicants:<br />You must apply to Australian Federal Police , not your state’s police force<br />You must include all variations of names used and known by including those listed in your passport <br />A fingerprint check is not required<br />Do not request the police certificate be forwarded directly to the department. Please send the NPC along with identifying information to the department after you have received your National Police Certificatefrom the Australian Federal Police .<br /><br />For further information on fees and submitting your application refer to <br /><br />OVERSEAS POLICE CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE<br />You and any of your dependants aged 16 years or overmust provide an ORIGINAL police clearance certificate from each country where you or they have lived for 12 months or morein the last 10 years since turning 16. If you have not already provided us with these clearances please do so now.<br /><br />Please note: Documents in languages other than in English must be accompanied by an English translation completed by a translator accredited by the National Accreditation for Translators and Interpreters .<br /><br />For further information on obtaining a National Police Certificate from the Australian Federal police and or applying for an overseas penal clearance please visit -<br /><br />HEALTH ASSESSMENT<br />When you apply for a visa, there are specific requirements for arranging your health examination. You and any dependants included in your application must undergo a medical examination to determine if you meet the Australian health standards for migrant entry. All applicants over 11 years of age must also undergo a chest x-ray.<br /><br />If you have not already completed your health examinationsyou will need to contact the Partner mailbox requesting a Health Examinations List. Please use Health Examination Request in the subject line of your email and send it to: [email protected]<br /><br />For further information please visit - <br /><br />ENQUIRIES ABOUT THIS APPLICATION<br />Your case has been assigned to the Temporary Partner Processing Centre VIC . Please send any documents to the office processing your application, and quote your File Number and Request ID in all correspondence.<br /><br />Until your case is allocated for finalisation, all enquires should be directed by email to the office processing your application .<br /><br />CHANGE IN CIRCUMSTANCES<br />You must inform DIBP of any change in your circumstances that affects any answer to a question in your application form, for example:<br />If you change residential address for more than 14 days;<br />If the composition of your family changes as a result of birth or death;<br />If your relationship status changes ;<br />If you intend to travel outside Australia;<br />If changes occur affecting your name, passport, character, health.<br /><br />You may use Form 1022 Notification of Changes in Circumstancesavailable from our website, to provide us with this information. Please send this information to the office processing your application .<br /><br />If you wish to withdraw your application, your letter must include the names and dates of birth of each applicant who is withdrawing, and it must be signed by each person aged 18 years or over.<br /><br />CLIENT SERVICE INFORMATION<br />More information about your rights and obligations, including our Client Service Charter and how to make a compliment, complaint or suggestion, is available on the DIBP website at:<br /><br />To obtain general information on all temporary and permanent visas please visit our website located at - <br /><br />Yours sincerely<br /><br /><br />Temporary Partner Processing Centre, VIC<br />Department of Immigration and Border Protection<br /><br /><br />CONTACT DETAILS<br />The office processing your application is:<br /><br />Email: [email protected]<br /><br />Address:<br />Temporary Partner Processing Centre, Vic<br />GPO Box 241<br />Melbourne VIC 3001 顶一下! 恭喜你,马上就要审到你了。 This is an automatically generated message. If you have been contacted by a case officer or your Temporary Partner application has been finalised, please disregard this message.系统自动邮件,让你准备下面的材料,如果已经提交,就不用理了。 移民局自动发的,提醒邮件。
那些材料你交过就行了。 先GX楼主 如果已经递交过就无所谓啦
是移民局自动发送的邮件的 This is an automatically generated message. If you have been contacted by a case officer or your Temporary Partner application has been finalised, please disregard this message.
你看到第一句就知道了,系统自动生成邮件,就说明你现在很快就会分到case officer了,或者已经分到了。
你的材料既然已经补过了,就不用理了。 根据你的排队时间,是系统发出的邮件。
如果你递交挂号函,保留存根。 如果提交过了可以不需要理会 基本2个月内会批下来