官网103排队计算器今天更新了,又前进了360名。 好 after one year, i still havent received any queue date yet 请问在哪里看官网103排队计算器的更新进度?谢谢 前进了390 请问在哪里看官网103排队计算器的更新进度?谢谢 https://www.ecom.immi.gov.au/qcalc/QDateAnswer.do 前进370 现在每年名额是多少了?前面还有5000 请问是输入2014/06/16这个日期还有选103签证查询么? 我怎么总得到这个错误
The following errors have been encountered:
Queue Date of 16/06/2014 cannot be found in the 103 queue. If you enter a date and no queue date can be found, this means that no parent visa applicant was queued on this date.