600 how long can stay within 3 years
My parents holding 600 now in australia, just wondering how long they can stay, it is saying max 12 months within 18 months, if they only stay 6 months, and go back 3 months, how long they can stay when next time come. is that 6 months? 12 months within 18 months。 下次最多能待9个月吧 这个中间出境间隔有限制吗?比如待了6个月后出境两周再回澳洲可以吗?以前的163好像要出境同样时间才能再次入境,不能隔太近好像。 根据lz的描述,下次来可以再呆半年 Make a table with each month within 3 years, tick the month you will be in Australia, it is easier to see. called immi office, 12 months means within 18 months since you arrival, accumulate max stay 12 months. no matter it is one time entry or several.