contributory parents visa 143
Hi all,<br /><br />Can I please get some advises about the contributory parents visa 143? when do I need to send the money to Immigration department? How much exactly required and how long the money needs to be in my account? I have tried to contact them however they just told me to check it on the website, unfortunately, I couldn't find the answer.<br /><br />Looking forward to hearing from you and many thanks<br />Pinkypink 楼主在这个论坛里好好看看吧,最近还有人把103和143的材料什么都总结了呢。有点耐心好好看就能找到的。 目前申请费3250+1185约一年半等待,再付43600*2+14000
不过估计7.1后会涨 {:6_164:}这图太搞笑了