<br /><br />听说,父母付费移民可以先办理一方,只要先支付一方的钱。等五年后,可以把另一个以配偶移民的方式也带过来(只需配偶移民签证费)。这样就等同于只要付一个人的钱办理两个人。<br />我也看过移民局网站,我觉得根本不可行,可我妈非说她一个朋友就是这样办理,我觉得简直不可思议。向各位求证一下真的有这么便宜的事吗?<center><img style='max-width:90%;' src='data/attachment/forum/caiji/14385821401.jpg' /></center> <br />有没有近期刚办理过的同学进来说说啊<br />PS:另外还有关于父母移民后领取养老金的问题:是不是十年后可领取,在这十年里要住满多少年啊? 以前可以, 现在是否可行就不知道了。 可以的,之前打电话求证过 是今年吗 是的,就前两个月,其实immi有写的,但我在ipad不知道为什么copy不过来 From 1 July 2009, the Migration Regulations 1994 (the 'Regulations') are amended to prevent persons who are granted a permanent Contributory Parent category visa (Subclasses 143 and 864) from sponsoring their partner or fiancé for a Partner or Prospective Marriage visa for five years from the day of their visa grant, if they:were granted their permanent Contributory Parent category visa on or after 1 July 2009; and
were in a spouse or de facto partner or fiancé relationship on or before the date their permanent Contributory Parent category visa was granted and now wish to sponsor that partner or fiancé. 我也看到这条,我英语不大好,我看这个句子写prevent... from...,我理解成禁止人们这么做。 是禁止他们这样做,但只是for five years from the day of their visa grant而已,5年后就可以了 谢谢,仔细看看好像是这个意思噢