在此发帖请问一下,如果配偶夫妻团聚移民之后,新来澳洲的一方在澳洲有没有政府安排的语言类课程以及其他的福利政策可以享受?请各位指点,多谢 估计没有,除非自己付费的。只有到转PR才有的。
请问你是什么签证300还是309?有个问题想问问。 我只是打算回国结婚,然后把老婆办过来 309的话,有免费的510小时AMEP课程
300我不知道~ 请问309和300的区别是什么?感激 都是在澳洲以外的地方申请,309/100指已婚的,300指计划要结婚的。具体的,可以去移民局网站上查。
The Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 309) allows you to live in Australia if you are the spouse or de facto partner of:
an Australian citizen
a permanent resident
an eligible New Zealand citizen.
The Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 309) is the first stage towards a permanent Partner visa (subclass 100). You lodge only one application for your temporary and permanent visas and pay one application charge. Your application is processed in two stages, about two years apart.
You must be outside Australia when you apply and also when the Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 309) is granted. You can be in or outside Australia when Partner visa (subclass 100) is granted.
The Prospective Marriage visa (subclass 300) is for people who want to come to Australia to marry their prospective spouse.
It is a temporary visa for nine months. You must be outside Australia when you lodge your application and when the visa is granted. You can have the wedding in any country: the wedding does not need to be in Australia. 另外,309的话,拿了TR就有510小时的 多谢多谢