刚给女儿换了中国护照(满五年),请问需要到澳洲签证中心重新贴澳洲签证吗?谢谢 我也想知道,,,等LZ的消息。。。我下周去给儿子换证,请问LZ现在换护照都要什么材料? 你上网站看看,有具体的要求,六月份换了电子护照,要求有变,但是我们去了三次才成功,主要是照片要求很高。每次都照片不合格 可以贴 可以不贴这种帖子也已经是月经贴了,多翻几页 讨论过很多次了 现在不贴签了(要贴200刀),但是需要填表交到移民局告知护照改了。 New passports
If you have been issued with a new passport since your Australian visa was granted, you must notify us of your change of passport details to ensure your record is up-to-date.
Your visa details are linked to your passport or ImmiCard. Failure to update your passport details will result in delays when travelling to Australia. You or a registered Australian organisation will be unable to check your visa conditions and entitlements online.
To update your passport details, complete Form 929 Change of address and/or passport details (260KB PDF) and return it to our nearest office. 找到表了,填好以后,是邮寄到移民局还是要带着女儿本人去? 我是自己去的,比较快。也许邮寄也可以。 不可以网上update吗? 现在中国领事馆需要澳洲的未入国籍证明吗?