今天下午6点钟收到邮件,爸爸的103签证扣款啦,6月1号同时递交的爸妈两份申请,今天确认的是老爸的,老妈的还在等。 我的同事也扣钱了 但是我的还在等。 老爸老妈不是一个主申请一个副申请吗? 同问,其实这样要是转143可以转一个对吗?也是等待扣钱中 爸妈不在一起了,目前都还单身,所以分开申请的 这个我不知道了就,这种情况得问移民局更权威些吧 5月 31日寄的,6月3号delivered的,信用卡 今天扣款了I confirm lodgement of the application on 1 June 2014.The receipting of the visa application charge and credit card surcharge validates the application and is evidence that the application is being processed. A copy of the receipt is attached for your records.
Information on the credit card surcharge has been available on www.immi.gov.au since March 22nd 2014.
Due to the high volume of applications received, we are currently taking approximately 5 months to register an application and send the acknowledgement letter. The formal acknowledgement of the application will be sent as soon as possible. As applications are considered based on the lodgement date, the delay in registering the application will not affect the processing time for a decision on the application.
Up-to-date information on the processing times and other commonly asked questions is available in an auto reply by emailing [email protected] and writing “TEST” in the subject line. Information about Parent visas is available on the department’s website www.immi.gov.au. All further enquiries should be sent to [email protected]. 还在等,真着急啊 恭喜楼主了!我的还在等,希望这两天能扣款 恭喜扣钱的,30号邮寄的焦急等待啊