我的情况是这样的,我的pr visa 明年11月到期,我2012年回的国,目前一直在国内,今年6月份委托澳洲的中介已经递交了配偶移民申请(境外申请)+孩子(目前6个月),最新的online 申请,孩子和我老公的申请没有分开,这样申请费用方面可以省一部分申请费用。<br /><br />续下一个rrv,5年注满2年,我还差7个半月的时间,那我最晚明年也就是2015年4月份要回澳洲。且不说明年4月份我老公和孩子的tr能不能办理下来,我是打算要是明年4月份他们tr还没有下来,就先办理我老公和孩子的探亲或旅游证,<br /><br />我老公和孩子tr转pr应该要等到2016年6月,为其2年。在tr期间我老公和孩子当时的visa能回国半年吗?我是想着我们明年4月一家三口在澳洲陪我把移民监坐满申请下一个rrv,然后回国,等他们tr申请pr的时候应该也就是2015年6月,等移民局来信什么时候可以补充材料我们再从国内到悉尼,递交材料一直等待pr下来。<br /><br />有没有有经验的XDJM可以帮忙看看我这样预想的是否可行?谢谢!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> 求解 如果TR期间回去半年,首先回国前要通知移民局,其次如果要回去半年时间,应该会相应延长申请TR的两年期限。也就是说假如他们TR是明年9月份够2年了,但是你在9月份之前要回去半年,那么TR的期限也许会延长到下年的2月份才可以申请PR.如果只是回去几个星期,应该不要紧。最好打电话问问移民局。 2年的等待期间不是就是为了肯定2个人的真实性吗?为什么会延后递交pr的时间呢? 1/5 假设309/100
If you are outside Australia when you are granted a partner category visa, you will be required to make
your first entry to Australia by a certain date. You will be told your initial entry date in the letter you receive
from the department advising you of the grant of your visa.
The purpose of this initial entry date is to
ensure that persons migrate to Australia within a reasonable period of being granted a visa so that the
planning levels for settler services for newly arrived migrants are sufficient.
The date is usually tied to the
earliest date of the validity periods of any health and character checks you had as part of the process of
applying for a partner category visa. 2/5 假设309/100
You must have a valid Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 309) to be considered for a permanent visa.
If you are granted before you receive your permanent Partner visa (subclass 100), your temporary Partner visa might no longer be valid. This means your application for your permanent visa will be refused.
这个其他visa不知道包不包括旅游或探亲,要和移民局确认。 3/5 假设309/100
After you apply for a partner category visa, you should inform the department if you intend to travel (either
to or from Australia) while your visa application is being processed.
This is because, if you applied for a partner category visa while you were:
outside Australia, you when the temporary visa is granted. You may be
either in or outside Australia when the permanent visa is granted.
所以,当他们的visa被批准时,他们要在澳洲以外。 4/5 假设309/100
The partner category visa that you are granted will have a multiple re-entry facility, which means that you
can leave, and return to, Australia as many times as you wish within a specified period.
• A temporary Partner visa (subclasses 309 and 820) allows you to travel until a decision is made on
your permanent Partner visa.
所以,当他们取得TR visa后,可以自由出入澳洲、在澳洲停留任意的时间,直至PR visa的决定。 为什么不问你的中介呢? 配偶移民自己就可以做了,不需要中介的。