父母排队移民有望在9月24日后重新开始申请,有人听说了吗? 听说了, 但是不知道出处在哪里, 而且这个有望也太不靠谱了 政府没这么癫吧,变着玩 重新开始了是好,但是一等就得10年啊 不会吧。。。政府刚关又要开。。。。 朝令夕改? Migration Alliance NewsThe latest in 24 hour Australian immigration news
Motion to re-allow parent visas?
Breaking news just in from DIBP at 6:14pm:
"The disallowance motion in the Senate was scheduled for consideration on 2 September but Senator Hanson-Young has postponed it until 24 September. The Parent and Other Family visas remain closed and it is not possible to make an application for these visas. If the disallowance motion is successful then the visas will reopen from that date only. The disallowance motion in the House of Representatives on 15 July was defeated by the Government.
XXXXXXXXXXXX [ name removed for privacy reasons]
Family Policy Section
Visa Framework and Family Policy Branch
Migration and Citizenship Policy Division
Department of Immigration and Border Protection" 看到了,好像是说如果这个motion 正式通过,会开放一段时间。那如果真的开放,是不是可以直接填一个form 从143转到103? 是想骗申请费? 不会是这样吧