请问各位足友,母亲持一年多次的旅游签证,3个月快到期了,想去斐济,不知是否需要另外办理签证? 中国去斐济是落地签吧。。。 Did your mother buy return ticket when she came to Australia?My father has same visa as your mother and wants to go out of Australia after 3 months. He plans to stay for 6 months. If he buys return ticket for 6 months, would custom allow him to go out of China and come into Australia?
Thanks. 不需要,我有朋友的父母就是这样的情况,只是为了出境一下,斐济是最方便的,因为对中国公民是落地签。他们通常过到了那边,出个关,住一个晚上,第二天再搭飞机回澳洲,又可以再呆3个月。有时候飞斐济的机票贵,新西兰的机票很便宜,他们就会申请个新西兰的签证,飞一趟再回来,又是3个月 中国护照在斐济落地签,入境时只要有离开斐济的机票就行了。 太谢谢了!同城网的朋友! 谢谢同城网朋友! Does anyone know whether can buy 6 month return ticket if only holding 1 year multiple entry visa single stay no longer than 3 month? 有往返机票落地签就没问题 现在澳洲签证都是电子签,不像过去那样是签证贴在护照上的。那是不是只要带上批签信和往返机票就行了?