小__名 发表于 2015-5-9 17:34:19


海之源 发表于 2015-5-9 19:20:38


富贵猪 发表于 2015-5-9 19:43:11


Subclass ​Visa name
​159 ​Provisional Resident Return
​160 ​Business Owner (Provisional)
​161 Senior Executive (Provisional)​
162​ ​Investor (Provisional)
163​ State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner (Provisional)​
​164 ​State/Territory Sponsored Senior Executive (Provisional)
​165 ​State/Territory Sponsored Investor (Provisional)
173​ Contributory Parent (Temporary)​
188​ Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional)​
300​ Prospective Marriage​
309​ Partner (Provisional)​
400​ Temporary Work (Short Stay Activity)​
401​ Temporary Work (Long Stay Activity)​
402​ Training and Research​
403​ Temporary Work (International Relations)​
405​ Investment Retirement ​
406​ Government Agreement​
410​ Retirement​
411​ Exchange​
415​ Foreign Government Agency​
418​ Educational​
419​ Visiting Academic​
420​ Temporary Work (Entertainment)​
421​ Sport​
422 Medical Practitioner​
423​ Media and Film Staff​
426​ Domestic Worker (Temporary) Diplomatic or Consular ​
​427 Domestic Worker (Temporary) Executive​
428​ Religious Worker​
442​ Occupational Trainee​
​445 Dependent Child​
456​ Business (Short Stay)​
457​ Business (Long Stay)​
457​ Temporary Work (Skilled)​
459​ Sponsored Business Visitor (Short Stay)​
461​ New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship (Temporary)​
462​ Work and Holiday (Temporary)​
470​ Professional Development​
475​ Skilled - Regional Sponsored​
476​ Skilled - Recognised Graduate​
485​ Temporary Graduate​
487​ Skilled - Regional Sponsored​
488​ Superyacht Crew​
489​ Skilled - Regional (Provisional)​
495​ Skilled - Independent Regional (Provisional)​
​496 Skilled - Designated Area Sponsored  
​560 ​Student
​561 ​Student (category B)
​570 ​Independent ELICOS Sector
​571 ​Schools Sector
​572 ​Vocational Education and Training Sector
​573 ​Higher Education Sector
​574 ​Postgraduate Research Sector
​575 ​Non Award Sector
​576 ​Foreign Affairs or Defence Sector
​580 ​Student Guardian
​600 ​Visitor
​601 ​Electronic Travel Authority
​651 ​eVisitor
​676 ​Tourist
​679 ​Sponsored Family Visitor
​820 ​Partner  
​884 ​Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary)
​995 ​Diplomatic (Temporary)
​417 ​Working Holiday (Temporary)*

​956 ​Electronic Travel Authority (Business Entrant - Long Validity)*
​976 ​Electronic Travel Authority (Visitor)​​*
​977 ​Electronic Travel Authority (Business Entrant - Short Validity)*

一篓清风 发表于 2015-5-10 05:29:42

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