急需大家的帮助:<br /><br />刚拿到澳洲护照,想回中国工作。我能否先申请探亲签证或旅行签证回中国?再在中国境内转工作签证?还是无法在国内转?必须回澳洲办理?<br /><br />谢谢! You can not apply working visa in China. But you can apply it from Chinese Embassy in Hongkong after you have the offer from the company and all relevant documents. You can apply for express visa, cost a bit more, but can get it in the same day. My friend did the same way. If you can find a job, your employer will help you to apply for working visa. And when you get it, you might need to go out of China once to activate the visa. 工作签证国内的不好申请下来吧? 完全可以。可能当你办工作签证时需要出境一次。这个给你办工作签证的部门会告诉你。 2010年一朋友在北京办的探亲转工作,他没出境,外企帮他办的,还拿到了医保卡,公立医院市民待遇 据我所知,是要出境的。也许你朋友出境了,你不知道? 忘记了他是2008年就从最早的探亲签证转为长期居留证了,为此注销了北京户口,每年不必出境就可renew居留证,后来转为工作签证了 直接拿这你中国护照入境,爱住多久住多久。