考虑把父母一方先办付费移民,然后再申请配偶移民把另一方办过来。不知道可不可行?<br />如果一方拿到PR,需要等几年才可以为另一方申请配偶移民?我考虑是住满两年就可以,可是看到有人说是五年。在移民局网站查不到,请问有没有人办过?或者有相关信息提供? 确定5年 是必须在境内住满5年,还是5年住中在境内住满2年?请问哪里可已查到相关资料?多谢 5年肯定 谢谢。5年太久了,看来还是一起办付费移民吧。
如果想在境内申请高龄的付费移民,有没有可能去掉8503条款? Contributory parent visa holders
There might be limits on your sponsorship if:
you were granted a permanent Contributory Parent visa on or after 1 July 2009
you were in a partner relationship on or before the Contributory Parent visa grant date
your partner did not apply for the Contributory Parent visa at the same time as you, or they withdrew that application (before it was finalised).
The sponsorship could still be approved if:
5 years have passed since your Contributory Parent visa grant date
your partner did not apply at the same time as you due to compelling reasons, (other than financial reasons)
your partner applied at the same time as you but withdrew their application for compelling reasons (other than financial reasons). http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/309-100.aspx 护照上有8503,那就基本没戏了,除非有重大事情发生。 5 8503的目的就是不让签证持有人在澳洲再申请任何其他类别签证。我也确认了包括老年父母在澳洲申请移民类别。所以我也希望父母这次的600签证上没有8503.听说申请取消8503非常困难。