老看见网上说现在付费排队30年,请问是重开以后排队要等30年还是6越号以前申请的也是要排队等30年?谢谢 同问 ParentThe Parent visa outcome is comprised of two categories:
• non-contributory Parent; and
• Contributory Parent.
Non-contributory Parent
The non-contributory Parent category met its 2013–14 planning level of 2250 places. Demand for
places in the non-contributory Parent category decreased by just over 3200 applications (or 37.7 per
cent) between 30 June 2013 and 30 June 2014. Over 36,000 clients remain in the pipeline at
30 June 2014, an increase of 5.1 per cent (or just over 1740 applications) over the programme year.
This category was capped in 2013–14.
Contributory Parent
The Contributory Parent category outcome also met its 2013–14 planning level of 6675 places.
Demand for places in the Contributory Parent category decreased by just over 4700 applications
(or 48.1 per cent) between 30 June 2013 and 30 June 2013–14. Over 12,800 clients remain in the
pipeline at 30 June 2014, a decrease of 17.7 per cent over the programme year. http://www.immi.gov.au/media/sta ... ogramme-2013-14.pdf 36000人排队中,本年度1500名额 那像这样算没有30年也得24年 因为里面会有很多插队的,比如804(年迈父母)的,虽然晚申请但是早审理,插在前面,也占用当年的名额,所以他预计为30年左右。 1500名额是包括年迈父母排队804的,实际103的大约在1125左右