刚在微信上看到的,2014年11月23日起,中国护照可以网上申请600旅游签证啦,如果这样可太好了。 23号是周日 真的吗? 微信上的东西也有能信的? 不是说 需要通过中介申请的才行吗 ?看仔细才行 可惜我家老母亲不会用电脑。请她老人家来玩,还得看她的日程安排,得错开夏天的西岭雪山避暑,冬天的三亚过冬,另外半年的麻将会友。 今天正要开始办600.要不要等等看到底网上申请好不好弄呀 听风就是雨 微信里就一个截图,貌似是说通过指定中介才行。。。。 好像是移民局给移民代理的推送,确实是有这个消息,但是没看到细则
Commonwealth of Australia
Migration Regulations 1994
(Subparagraphs 1236(1)(a)(ii), 1236(1)(b)(ii) and 1236(1)(c)(ii))
I, GARRY FLEMING, Delegate of the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, acting under subparagraphs 1236(1)(a)(ii), 1236(1)(b)(ii) and 1236(1)(c)(ii) of the Migration Regulations 1994 (the Regulations)
1. SPECIFY for subparagraphs 1236(1)(a)(ii), 1236(1)(b)(ii) and 1236(1)(c)(ii) of the Regulations that form 1419 (Internet) must be used by persons applying for a Subclass 600 (Visitor) visa who:
(a) hold a passport issued by a country specified in column 1 of Schedule A and subject to the conditions (if any) specified in column 2 of Schedule A; and
(b) make their application through the services of an agent from that country specified in column 1 of Schedule A, and who is party to an agreement with Immigration to use an Internet facility for offshore visitor visa applications from that country specified in column 1 of Schedule A.
This Instrument, IMMI 14/104 commences on 23 November 2014.
Dated 10 November 2014
G D Fleming
Delegate of the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection
Column 1
Column 2
People’s Republic of China
Passport must indicate that the applicant is a national of China