how long do i need to wait to apply visitor visa for my parent?
I am using the computer on my workplace. I have no choice to type English here. <br />can you please help me about visitor visa for my parent?<br />I have already applied for one year visitor visa for my parent and they went back to China end of Aug this year after<br />one year stay here. I want to apply for visitor visa for my parent again ASAP but check immi website, it says that no longer than 18 months during 3 years. does it mean that I have to wait for half an year to apply visitor visa again for my parent? I do need my parent to come here urgently for some reasons. Pls help. Thanks advance<br /> yes,your parents can' t until they have been out of Australia for half a year. 不用啊 回去就可以再申请了 那个18个月的限制是就你新申请的3年签证而言的你之前持一年签证在这里多久是不算在这里的
只要新的三年签证别待过了就行啦 楼上的不对哦,之前visitor 签证都算的。只要你申请的是600,就要等半年再能申请一年。
我之前因为不到半年的事情被拒签过的,还是等满半年再申请吧 谢谢楼上的了 我理解了对不起了楼主给你错误信息啦 don't worry. thank you for your help Thanks Thanks you for your help. is there no exception if I give a good reason for my parent visit me again? 有小孩好像可以破例一试,其他基本就木有了。