这几天准备申请入籍了,但是我在网上申请的时候,在填完第一页资料之后准备选next的时候,网站显示<br />You are not eligible to use this service as the Department has not been able to verify that you have permanent resident status。<br />请问有没有遇到过同样问题的朋友呢?求帮助!<br />顺便问下,travel document number是不是护照号码呀? travel document number是护照号码。lz有没有成为pr后换领过护照而没有向移民局更新新护照的信息?
good luck 麻烦lz给个入籍的link谢谢 成为pr后没有换领过护照啊 https://www.ecom.immi.gov.au/citz/applyNow.do?form=1300t 再次麻烦lz给个link可以查关于你有没有资格入籍的,我忘了是哪个网站了 https://www.ecom.immi.gov.au/citz/startIntervalCalc.do
这个是计算是否满足居住要求的 Lawful Residence Date:
以前3年的学生签证算不算 算 Have you previously sat and passed the Citizenship test? *
No Yes
Do you need help with the Citizenship test? * Help
No Yes
I need test assistance using a computer screen or using a computer mouse
I am eligible for test assistance with the English language
Select a preferred location for your Citizenship Test (if known) Help
这个是什么,从没考过试,是选no 吗?