父母申请的是676三年多次往返,每次住6个月的探亲签证,2016年签证过期。这次8月6号登陆的,住满183天是15年2月4号,但恰好15年的春节是2月19号。父母非常想在这儿过完年再走,但签证上有8503。上移民局网上查了一下,发现有这个信息,但不知道适用不?<br /><br />“”Can I extend my stay?<br />If you have a ‘Further Stay Restricted’ condition on your visa, you generally are not able to apply for a new visa while you are in Australia. You must leave Australia no later than the date on which your visa ends.<br /><br />If your visa has ended, you need to contact us immediately. You might be barred from returning to Australia for three years if you do not tell us within 28 days of your visa ending.<br /><br />You might be able to extend your stay in Australia for further study, work, your graduation or a holiday. You will need to apply for the appropriate visa for your circumstances, for example, a new student visa if you want to extend your studies or a visitor visa to attend your graduation ceremony or have a holiday.”“<br /><br />请教各位大侠,有什么办法能在让老两口在这儿过完年呢?他们能不能住到2月底再走呢?<br /><br /> 去nz走一趟回来,又是6个月 出境一次再回来我家上次给waive8503是因为四川地震
没有特殊情况是不会免除的 去nz需要签证吗。 1月26号到4月6号之间
你搜索一下论坛,有人谈论这个问题的 出境旅游一下去个斐济之类落地签的 斐济不用签证 免掉8503需要极特殊情况才可以,比如恰好赶上预产期之类的,春节不算的。只能出境一趟。 学习了