思维网络 发表于 2014-8-16 04:13:15

关于移民局处理parnter visa申请的时间问题

我在immi网站上看到,他们将process time分为四个优先级:<br />1. Applications for children and partners except where the sponsor or proposed sponsor entered Australia as an Illegal Maritime Arrivaland is the holder of a permanent visa.<br />2. Contributory Parent except where the sponsor or proposed sponsor entered Australia as an IMA and is the holder of a permanent visa.<br />3. Parents and Other Family except where the sponsor or proposed sponsor entered Australia as an IMA and is the holder of a permanent visa.<br />4. Applications where the sponsor or proposed sponsor entered Australia as an IMA; and holds a permanent visa such as a Protection visa , a Five Year Resident Return visaor a three month Resident Return visa .<br />Note: The highest priority is listed first. Assessment of Priority Group 4 will commence when all applications in Priority Groups 1-3 have been finalised.<br /><br />那就是说如果sponsor属于种类4,就是最后被处理的case了?<br /><br />我就是拿155 visa,岂不是很悲催,不知道申请需要多久啊。。。。<center><img style='max-width:90%;' src='data/attachment/forum/caiji/14385913071.jpg' /></center> <br />
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