AOS 需要去年的税单,但我还没退去年的税呢,能用别的材料吗?
如题,请问前辈们有没有用过其他材料顶替去年的税单的?比如前年的税单可以吗?去年的税还没来的及找会计师做呢,着急半Assurance Of Support, 有没有其他办法?先多谢个位了! 去年报税截止日期是2014年10月31号吧?既然都知道要着急做AOS需要税单,为啥要等到现在都不做呢,比较不解 同意楼上的,为什么拖那么久才报税 呢。。。 因为父母是排队移民的,我们以为还要等很久呢,也是自己拖拉,也有一些较复杂的税务事情,因为找会计师可以延迟到15年6月。 我提交的时候,去年的还没有下来,就提交了前年的。不过后来又电话过来要去年的,不过他们在系统里查到了,不需要我邮寄给他们了。 多谢你的回复啊。请问是什么时候提交的? 两个月前吧。 谢谢了。 刚刚在网上查到这个:
“Evidence for a previous year
For either of the first or second financial years, the person must provide the following evidence:
a notice of assessment issued by the ATO in relation to the person and the year,
if the notice of assessment issued by the ATO does not disclose sufficient income to satisfy the minimum income requirement, then documents showing payments of the other income forming 'assessable income' mentioned above that have been paid to the person in that financial year.
Note: If a person's assessable income for a financial year meets the minimum income requirement, the person need only provide evidence of the relevant amount of that income.
A self-employed person is required to provide a letter from the accountant. The person will have to provide a notice of assessment issued by the ATO for the financial year before the previous financial year.“