其实主要是因为自己的英文不好,这30道题是做了10套联系中自己错的题。<br />希望明天考试能过。过了好好学学英语。<br /><br />1.What is the meaning of the word australia's derived from latin word with which promised land? of the south correct<br />2.do you know the meaning of Opposition? Is yes, state the political party who wins the second largest number of seats in Parliament<br />3.What is the status of Australia with regards to its size? the sixth largest country in the world <br />4.Whom do you pledge your loyalty at the citizenship ceremony?Australia and its people <br />5.What is the eligibility of the candidate to be nominated in Parliament election?Any adult Australian citizen <br />6.Which one of the following statement is true?Torres Strait Islanders have a distinct cultural identity<br />7.Who are the historical aboriginal people among the following?Tasmania and Mainland Australia<br />8.What is the importance of Floral emblem in Australia? It is Australia's National Flower<br />9.Name the first Inhabitants of Australia. The Tores Strait Islander people and the Aboriginals <br />10To whom do you pledge your loyalty in the ceremony day of citizenship .ustralia and its people <br />11.What is the reason for the British Government to decide shifting of convicts to the new colony in New South Wales?The large number of people imprisoned for their crimes could not be held in the jail wrong, Harsh British laws<br />12.Who are the so called Indegenous people in Australia?The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people<br />13.Which one of the following statement is true?Each mainland territory and state has its own capital in Australia <br />14. Where does the unspoilt wilderness landscape exist?Tasmania <br />15.Where do the examples of colonial architecture lie? Adelaide<br />16.What is the climatic condition in south western Australia? a rich agricultural area <br />17.Where is the area covered by agriculture and wine growth? Western Australia<br />18.Where are the large mining projects found?Western Australia<br />19.State the meaning indicated in the Commonwealth coat of arms National Unity of Australia <br />20.What do the points of the white star at the Torres Strait Islander Flag signify? The Torres Strait's island groups<br />21.How can you represent the Australian national unity?What is the official symbol in the Commonwealth of Australia?Commonwealth Coat of Arms<br />22.What does the white dancer's headdress at the centre of Torres Strait Islander Flag represents? a symbol for all Torres Strait Islanders<br />23.Name the authority who is liable to answer on the decision made in parliamentary democracy through elections Representatives <br />24.In which parliamentary form does people’s involvement takes place countries’ governing task? Parliamentary democracy<br />25.What is the name given to the government system where citizens freely choose representatives to govern the country and make laws on their behalf?Democracy<br />25.State the component that lies above the shield in the Commonwealth Coat of Arms symbol Gold Commonwealth Star<br />27.What is the form of government followed in Australia? Democracy 民主<br />28.Mention the national gemstone of Australia Opal<br />29.The statement is about Australia. State the correct alternative False allegations cannot be made by the people of Australia<br />30.Which of the following is true? A person's good name can be protected against false information through laws in Australia <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> 加油,第1题和第3题应该不会考,因为好像不在考试范围里。 一定要记住1195签字两个月有效,签字的人如果有工作时间要求的,一定要记住,不要忘记不要了。不要问我为什么这么说,因为我当时说的是邮局,现在补寄1135表,希望不要再节外生枝了。保佑 这些都是选择题吧 1135是什么