请问朋友,我给父母申请的付费移民快到了,现在不想交钱啦,改回去排队还要重新申请吗,纠结死了。咋办 也要重新交申请费 能谈一下为何又不想付费移民了吗 我爸也不想来了 排队的10年20年,还不知道以后的政策有无变化,体检是否能通过。 我问了移民局同样的问题,答复如下,Unfortunately if the client wishes to apply for a 103 Visa then she will need to withdraw her 143 Visa and lodge a new application for a 103 Visa. The application fee of $2,370.00AUD (一个人)will apply. Some documents will be able to be used ie birth certificates and passports. Once we receive the 103 application it can be up to 1 year before you hear from us and that is when the application will be "queued" the wait for finalisation of the visas can be anywhere from 15-20 years.
No waiting periods already undertaken for the 143 visa will be considered in the waiting period for the 103 application. It is a rand new application.
同纠结中... 付费多小钱一个人哪? 不付钱就可以了,至于排队申请,干脆这也免了吧,申请费都省了,反正老人都不想来了 赞同楼上 反正都不想来 何苦还折腾103 一期申请费也不便宜啊 省下那2000--4000澳元干点儿什么不好 尤其143转到103的 之前的143就搭上好几千了 折腾来折腾去 最后很可能什么都没得到 扔进去半个万 图什么啊 到底是有钱还是没钱啊 看不懂 a brand new application again