相关链接我没有·,但以前关注过坛子里的讨论,说是每年离境时间不超过3个月就行。<br /><br />这事应该问centerlink吧,好像没移民局什么事儿。 楼主莫跪啊!你和你妈都没错,加起来就完整了。
如果要想10年后拿养老金,就得在在澳洲居住时间累计相加满十年,且连续住满五年。 前面的楼说的对:你要找福利部而不是移民局
http://www.humanservices.gov.au/ ... trelink/age-pension
To be eligible for Age Pension you must satisfy residence requirements. You must be:
an Australian resident on the day you lodge your claim, and
be physically present in Australia on the day you lodge your claim
You also need to have been an Australian resident for a continuous period of at least 10 years, or for a number of periods that total more than ten years, with one of the periods being at least five years, unless you:
are a refugee or former refugee, or
were getting Partner Allowance, Widow Allowance or Widow B Pension immediately before turning Age Pension age, or
are a woman whose partner died while you were both Australian residents, and you have been an Australian resident for two years immediately before claiming Age Pension
If you have lived or worked in a country with which Australia has an international social security agreement, it may help you meet these residence requirements. 翻翻舊帖子,其中小犳子"帖寫得很清楚的。 移民局管的是你妈妈的续签,那个要求是五年内在澳居住两年。 哈!难道你的眼睛只看到我回的这一篇? 我的理解是:
You also need to have been an Australian resident for a continuous period of at least 10 years, or for a number of periods that total more than ten years, with one of the periods being at least five years,
您还需要是连续十年的澳洲居民,或若干个阶段累计十年以上且其中一阶段至少是五年的澳洲居民。 有人说是每年不超过一个月就可以算是连续的,还有的说是centrelink的职员也各有说法,所以没听说是亲身体验的。
我觉得你最好写邮件问centrelink,这样为以后也可以留个证据。 所以说,政策是死的,人是活的嘛 马上就到10年了,不急这几天。