PR 续签
一直听说PR5年内住满2年可以再续下一个5年的签,请问这个2年是要连续的吗,还是累计的就可以,如果能提供个官网链接就好了:)另外这个续签有规定可以续多少次吗?谢谢! 1)不出境不用续签!出境前办理2)
3)应该是累计2年,你自己查一下 我之前查了移民网站了,但是没找到,知道return visa分类下看到说最多续签可以续5年,但是具体的还是看移民局到时候的决定 You might be able to be granted this visa if you:
•have spent a period totalling two years in the last five years in Australia as either an Australian permanent resident or citizen (the 'residence requirement').
Travel facility
If you have lived in Australia for at least two years of the past five years and are granted a Subclass 155 Resident Return visa it will have a five year travel facility from date of grant.
... 请问你在哪找到的? 请问去那里续签,需要带什么东东?需要提前预约吗? 就是移民局网站上.