army22 发表于 2014-5-28 07:17:00

求助! 143 AOS 到底要满足几年的taxable income要求啊??

楼主智商捉急,看帖子已经被一堆current financial year, first financial year, second financial year彻底绕晕,还是直接求助吧!<br /><br />在centerlink上看到如下文字:<br />To become an assurer, you have to meet all of the following conditions. You must:<br /><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; have an income greater than the threshold for the current financial year<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; have income greater than the threshold for the previous financial year<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; be an Australian resident<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; be 18 or older<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; provide proof of identity, and<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; be able to get a bank guarantee, if required<br /><br />总的来说,要提供多少年的notice of assessment啊?<br /><br />假设,2015年6.30以后收到通知去做AOS,经济担保人到底该提供多少收入证明?

spanker 发表于 2014-5-28 13:44:38

啊 忽略楼主吧

chishenglei 发表于 2014-5-28 19:20:06


jhc 发表于 2014-5-29 05:32:51

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